How to prevent yourself from heart disease

How to prevent your body from heart disease

Before diving into the Prevention of heart disease we would like to grab your attention towards types of Heart Disease, and what are its main symptoms. So have a look into it.
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1.       Arrhythmia Disease – It is caused due to fluttering in a chest, dizziness or a patient can be fainted also a patient are feeling a little bit of headed. There is no such reason which can be cured in early stage. It a very common issue nowadays and almost 10 Million people are suffering from it every year. It occurs when electrical impulse in the heart doesn’t work properly. Mostly old age and new born babies are effected from it.

2.       High Blood Pressure – It is a very common disease by which almost everyone is suffering. It has no symptoms and if it is unaffected it can cause some severe health issues like heart attack. Eating a healthier diet with less salt and exercising regularly also taking proper medication can help you to lower blood pressure.

3.       Stroke – It is also called cerebrovascular accident, and people may only face it because of trouble walking, trouble in speaking and understanding, paralysis or numbness on a face, arm or legs. No matter what is your age, but usually people at the age of 40 – 60 suffers from it. It is a type of medical emergency, and if a patient get an early treatments with proper medications like tPA (Clot Buster) can minimise brain damage.
4.       Congenital Heart Disease – It is cause due to Excessive sweating, poor feeding, rapid heartbeats, Chest Pain, Rapid Breathing and cyanosis. In severe cases these types of disease develop shortly after birth, it is definitely gonna effect you with your body growth and development. There are so many complications which you might face heart infection, pulmonary hypertension and much more.

5.       Cardiac Arrest – It requires a professional doctor, also whenever anyone is giving this type of treatment they must require a lab testing or imaging. In the case of Cardiac Arrest the heartbeats stops abruptly. If it’s not getting prompt intervention it may cause to death. The main symptom of Cardiac Arrest is loss of consciousness and unresponsiveness. It is not very much common and only people of old age groups is affected from it, Also Fast heart beats and or palpitations can cause cardiac heart attack.

These are some of the types of Heart Diseases which are very common, also we have discussed some of the most important symptoms due to which this type of diseases are discovered in old age groups. 

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